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Elevate Your Digital Presence with Exclusive Web3 Domains

Illustration of two cards representing personal and professional identity
Your Name
Your Domain
Your Identity

Get Started with Web3 Today.

Enter your domain here

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Cross-chain Domain Feature

The world's first truly functional cross-chain domain.

Easily access the decentralized internet with strong security measures, all while maintaining your privacy. Take control of your data sharing.

Multi-Wallet Compatibility

Our service offers compatibility with a variety of crypto wallets, allowing you to use your wallet of choice. Convenience and the freedom to manage your assets.

Hover over the card to reveal additional information about multi-wallet compatibility.

Crypto Transactions Simplified

User-Friendly and Responsive Design

Our website boasts an intuitive and responsive design, ensuring a seamless user experience across various devices. Discover a site that adapts to your needs.

Hover over the card to reveal additional information about our user-friendly and responsive design.

Simplify your crypto transactions

Streamline cryptocurrency transfers with ease. Swap those intricate wallet addresses for a single, user-friendly identifier.


Weave Name Logo
CONNECT WITH US Stay updated and engage with us on social media. Join our community and follow along for the latest updates, news, and more.

Stay Connected with Us on Social Media

Connect with our vibrant community on social media. Follow us to stay up-to-date with the latest news, updates, and exclusive content. Join the conversation today!

Craft your Web3 persona

Craft your Web3 persona

Shape your digital presence through Domain Profiles. Confirm your social connections, showcase your NFT avatar, and spotlight your accomplishments.

Define your Web3 identity

Mold your digital persona with Domain Profiles. Verify your social links, flaunt your NFT avatar, and highlight your achievements.

Hover over the card to view additional information about our social profile creation service.

Layer Zero Domain Name Service and Zeta Chain Domain Name Service

One domain for all of chain

Welcome to our Layer Zero Name Service and Zeta Chain Name Service! We specialize in providing premium web3 domain names to help you establish your online presence in the decentralized web.

Our LayerZero Domain Name Service offers cutting-edge web 3 domain names. With our ZetaChain Domain Name Service, you can find unique and memorable domain names.

Whether you're looking for a Layer Zero name or exploring the possibilities with Zeta Chain, we've got you covered. Discover the future of web3 domain names with us!


Earnings and brand enhancement

Boost your earnings and enhance brand power

Access to technology solutions

Gain exclusive access to cutting-edge technology solutions

Gateway to Web3

Unlock the gateway to the world of Web3